The Suicide Flu in Orissa

Pawan Soni of Cuttack district of Orissa is a man with a broken heart. He sought solace. To draw the world's attention to his plight, he bought a bottle of acid, gathered a few more of his heartbroken brothers, and poured acid on the faces of two college going girls. Having burnt the girls' faces, he and his brethren found the solace that they sought. The incident picked up like wild fire in the forest. There was more of Pawan Acid Soni’s ilk, in our neighbouring district of Puri. Aside of being heartbroke, they were also completely broke. So, they sought solace too. They picked up the same trick, and poured acid on two Puri girls. Two more faces were burnt.

Recent reports show that crime rates in Orissa have increased over the last one year. Rape cases, dowry cases, cases of theft, dacoity, you name it and we have it. Apart from holding the title of being the poorest State of the country, Orissa is slowly receiving the distinction of being the State with the highest rates of crime cases as well. From being India’s poorest to India’s worst. A milestone indeed.

There is a parallel. Orissa is also in the grip of a suicide flu. What started from the farmers of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh has now caught up with our Oriya brothers and fathers too. Crop failure due to floods - they gulp pesticides. Crop failures due to damaged seeds - they gulp pesticides. Crop failures due to indebtedness - they gulp pesticides. Fight between husband and wife - they gulp pesticides. Daughter returns home due to dowry torture - they gulp pesticides. No wonder, pesticide companies are having bumper sale in Orissa now. Not just crops, humans thrive on them too.

A standard Oriya male by definition is almost always considered to be a peace-loving homo sapien. Peace-loving because he always follows sadhu’s footsteps. He does not want to react. Today's Oriya farmer does not drink pesticide because he is in debt (he was anyway always indebted). Today he drinks pesticide because it is in fashion to address your woes. Just like Pawan Acid soni of Cuttack has shown his brethren in Puri to indulge in acid attacks on females when heartbroken.

What has become of this peace-loving Oriya homo sapien? Is it dead?

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