Size matters

While Rilly and I scouted down one of the busiest roads of our city, she made a comment, almost like a judgement "you see, size matters!" I looked at her astounded (actually giggling), "what do you mean?" She said, "look at the mighty cows standing on the middle of the road!"

Cows, particularly bulls, have an unusual way of being in charge. Motorbikes buzz down the streets, multi-wheeler vehicles brush past them in a hurry but they keep chewing their cud with a stoic pose and randomly rotating their tails (nee hairs) to get rid of the occasional flies that land on their top. We were in a rickshaw, bending on the support in front of us in fear that we would hit the gomatas on our busy city road, but they did not budge. They cud, and they rotated. That was the moment when Rilly opined "you see, size matters!" Instantly, I looked outside of the rickshaw and witnessed two mongrels that looked truly harassed by the busy traffic and stood at bay, on the footpaths, almost pleading that somebody give them a hand to cross the road to their kennels.

And so.. we chatted away the whole evening. The behaviour and attitude of the cows and dogs on busy Indian roads is an apt description of the system around. The mighty and the powerful have their way in and out with great dexterity and authority. And we are nothing but mongrels to the shin! We are always kept at bay, tortured by our system, tortured by our bosses...

The point is we had a bad day in office that evening, and thanks to the cows and the dogs, we got a stress buster!

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